Caty Enders
The Forever Show
Thanks to recent breakthroughs in everything from diet science to genetic engineering—as well as billions in capital flooding longevity startups—we seem to be on the brink of what Silicon Valley calls “disrupting death.” At the same time, life expectancy in the United States actually declined in 2018, with the average American facing record levels of →
Jonas Madden-Connor
Grave Wounds
Madden-Connor presented the novel’s first chapter at the Forecast Forum in June, 2019; the second chapter will be unveiled at the Forecast Festival in April 2021. Set in Europe during World War II, the story’s protagonist is an African-American GI, Private Oscar Dewcrott. He’s plotting to desert the service. He’s heard about other African-American GIs →
Parasite 2.0
Nasty Temple
Together with designer Jerszy Seymour, who is their mentor on this project, they’ve created a so-called “collective of collectives,” consisting of other practitioners working similarly and which will co-author the final act, staged at the Forecast Festival in Berlin. These include the Amsterdam-based Questions Collective, the Berlin duo Sonder, and Assume Vivid Astro Focus from →
Sue Montoya
Change Atlas
The project looks at the human costs, policies, and speculations tied to “Miami Forever,” a 400-million dollar bond expected to mitigate the consequences of climate change in the city. With artist Paolo Cirio as her mentor, Montoya works with research to document and represent the strategies employed to allay climate change effects. She also delves →
Olli Aarni
Melding electronic sound, traditional Finnish percussion instruments, and the kantele—a Finnish box zither—the musician’s aim is not to elevate the sense of the everyday to something grander, but rather to dig deeper into the habitual and humdrum. This offers a glimpse of how it feels to be alive in this specific time, space, and cultural →
Forecast Responds to the Current Crisis
Candidates to Be Announced on April 30 →
Forecast Festival 2020
Save the Date →
Forecast Forum 2019 at radialsystem
The 18 Candidates Bring Their Concepts to Life
On Saturday and Sunday, during the public days of the Forecast Forum, 18 creative trailblazers and activists—three in each category—brought their concepts to life through various presentations and talks. At the end of the Forecast Forum, each mentor selects one candidate and accompany their concept to realization over the next nine months. Saturday, July 6, →
Forecast Forum 2019
The Candidates Have Been Selected! →
Open Call 2019
Envision New Paths
We’re delighted to announce that the call for proposals for Forecast’s fourth edition is now open. Artists and practitioners working in all creative fields anywhere in the world are encouraged to apply with projects that tackle issues concerning the future, and what can we do to actively shape it. For this edition, Forecast has selected →