Florentina Holzinger

Bodies in Action

“Fearlessly exploring the body as a multifaceted medium.”

Florentina Holzinger is an Austrian choreographer and performance artist whose body of work has enriched the international performance scene with award-winning pieces that meld dizzying acrobatics, martial-arts fight scenes, and pop-cultural references.

Holzinger consciously plays with the ever-shifting boundaries between high culture and middlebrow entertainment. From her career’s outset, she has made a point of challenging different modes of female representation on stage and exploring the full physical potential of the human body. Often featuring especially muscular women as performers, the artist’s work is intrinsically linked with the aim of exploring embodiment in relation to identity, and the development of practices to support a physical life in action.

A Divine Comedy. Photo: ©Nicole Marianna Wytyczak
Apollon Musagete. Photo: ©Radovan Dranga

Holzinger’s latest productions are ensemble works for the stage that adapt themes from classical ballet, such as Apollon Musagète or Apollon and La Sylphide. She crafts these into pieces that straddle the line between trashy spectacle and theater, incorporating stunts, gory splatter scenes, and crude sideshow humor into the canonical ballet repertoire. Since 2021, Holzinger is a member of the creative team at Berlin’s Volksbühne theater, working with artistic director René Pollesch.

A Divine Comedy. Photo: ©Nicole Marianna Wytyczak
A Divine Comedy. Photo: ©Nicole Marianna Wytyczak

As a mentor, Holzinger seeks applicants from all disciplines who share a strong interest in the body and physical work, and who “fearlessly explore the body as a multifaceted medium,” she says. She is interested in working with artists who think multidisciplinarily and are working toward “extending physical possibilities through material, media, or (meta)physical means,” she adds. “People who are comfortable working very practically and like to put words into action; who might work around resistance or resilience within their own and others‘ bodies.”

Proposals can consist of any kind of project, as long as it uses the body or physical action and experience as the prime medium and preferably has a live element to it. Proposals can, but don’t have to, be theater or dance-based.


Watch the video statement to find out more about what Holzinger is looking for in applications: