Ana Prvački

Slapstick and Seduction

“I am interested in grounding contemporary experiences, anxieties, and technologies in physical and bodily pleasures.”

Ana Prvački is a conceptual artist of Serbian-Romanian heritage whose cross-disciplinary practice spans performance, installations, portable sculptures, watercolors, videos, augmented reality, and idiosyncratic Instagram posts. Her backgrounds in music, theater, mask-work, and beekeeping inform her work, as does her keen interest in humor, language, and transcultural slips of the tongue. Her experimental approach incorporates scientific research, behavioral observations, and emotional affect into a strategy aimed at creating imaginative tools for the challenges of daily life.

In her artist statement, Prvački writes: “I commit to making my work as round as the Earth and my performances as compressed as water. I aim for pedagogical meme pollination and maximum viewer titillation.”

Hand Pollination Glove, 2018 ©Ana Prvački. Courtesy of the artist and de Young Museum, San Francisco
Bee Memorial, 80 million years to 21st century, 2018 ©Ana Prvački. Courtesy of the artist and de Young Museum, San Francisco
Tent, Quartet, Bows and Elbows, 2007-ongoing, Performance still ©Ana Prvački. Courtesy of the artist and Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum, Massachusetts

Prvački has realized solo exhibitions and projects at the NTU CCA in Singapore; UCLA Hammer Museum, Los Angeles; the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum, Boston; and the Castello di Rivoli Museo d’Arte Contemporanea, Turin. Her work has also been included in many international exhibitions, including the 2021 Art Encounters Biennial in Timisoara; the 2020 Bangkok Biennial; the 13th Gwangju Biennial; the 14th Istanbul Biennial; the 1st Singapore Biennial; and dOCUMENTA 13.

Her performances have been commissioned by the Los Angeles Philharmonic and the Chicago Architecture Biennial, among others. In 2020 she was part of the Marina Abramović‘s SkyArt TV takeover. Prvački’s solo exhibition at the de Young Museum in San Francisco won the 2020 Webby Award for its use of augmented reality and is recognized by the International Academy of Digital Arts and Sciences for its significant achievement. She is currently the first Digital Artist in Residence at Berlin’s Gropius Bau museum.

Multimask, 2020. Video still ©Ana Prvački. Courtesy of the artist, commissioned by 13th Gwangju Biennale

As a mentor, Prvački is seeking applicants who want to “explore, research, and experience the possibilities and limits of humor as a methodology and approach to critique, subversion, political action, joy, and connection.” Applicants are encouraged to apply with any type of project. “My invitation is open and the goals and the outcome of your work can range from sculpture to performance, works on paper, memes, apps, and even a Netflix series,” she says.

Watch the video statement to find out more about what Prvački is looking for in applications: