A Project by Myriam Amroun

Programming Rhizome

Myriam Amroun is a cultural practitioner and a curator based in Algiers. She is the artistic director of the cultural organization rhizome, which she cofounded in 2017. Her proposal for Forecast in the category Curating as Unearthing, mentored by Koyo Kouoh, encompasses a public program on the occasion of rhizome's first physical exhibition space.

Inspired by the rhizomatic model of thought developed by Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari in the 1970s, the organization has been supporting artists, researchers, and cultural practitioners since its inception, while ceaselessly evolving as a non-physical space.

Rhizome is now opening an experimental culture and arts space in downtown Algiers, with the aim of building bridges between locals and the arts community to explore new mediation and engagement tools. As part of her concept for Forecast, the space will offer a wide range of programs, including production and research residencies, exhibitions, and public events.

For the digital Forecast Forum, Amroun has invited artist Lydia Ourahmane to join her for a conversation titled Unveil–Embrace–Own (Narratives), based on Ourahmane's artistic practice, as a ground for their upcoming curatorial collaboration.

We caught up with Amroun in the midst of renovations to ahead of the space's inauguration:

Myriam Amroun. Video by Moois