The Work-Stay: Istanbul

Caty Enders's Sound Installation at SALT Galata

Science journalist Caty Enders traveled to Istanbul in March for what was meant to be a work-stay with her mentor, Joe Richman, at the contemporary art space SALT Galata. However, as the global spread of the coronavirus became a grave reality, Richman was unable to join, and Enders’s time in Istanbul was cut short. But before returning home to Boston, Enders was able to make the most of her stay and test the immersive sound installation she had planned to present at the fourth Forecast Festival.

Her project, Forever, is a podcast series and sound installation delving into recent breakthroughs aimed at achieving immortality—in areas including diet science and genetic engineering, not to mention the billions in capital invested in longevity startups. These gains  stand in stark contrast to the actual decline in life expectancy in the United States in 2018, with the average American facing record levels of chronic disease, suicide, and addiction.

In the video interview below, Enders and Forecast’s Artistic Director Freo Majer discuss the work session in Istanbul, and how it contributed to the project’s development:


Caty Enders's work-stay at SALT, Istanbul