Camil Navarro

Expanding Your Voice

Ecological Assemblage

A sonorous reflection on water-risk issues in Chile.

Camil Navarro

Paris-based Chilean artist Camil Navarro’s practice has its roots in theater, dance, and performance. Navarro’s project stems from an analysis of and a reflection on water-risk issues around the Aconcagua River Basin in Chile.

A sonorous assemblage weaves dissonant voices, somatic practices, and the sounds of water and nature into a polyphonic set of autonomous melodies. Combined, they generate the titular Ecological Assemblage.

What potentialities arise when we get in tune with an ecological being? What strategies can we explore to stimulate an understanding of symbiosis? And how can an absent ecological entity be present in one’s perception?

In mid-November, 2024, Navarro and their mentor, vocalist Ute Wassermann convened in Istanbul for a work-stay at Salt Galata, to continue developing the work.

Camil Navarro at the Forecast Forum, on their work for Forecast.