Spring School: Plants in Cityscapes

A Joint Experiment in Informal Education

During the eighth Forecast Festival, Forecast hosted its first-ever Spring School program, in cooperation with Living Summer School and LUMA Arles / Atelier LUMA, on the topic of plants in the urban environment.

Forecast alumni cartoonist Ulli Lust and artist Markus Hoffmann were joined by LINA Architecture Platform Fellow Neo Futuristic Walks (consisting of Aušra Česnauskytė and Goda Verikaitė) in offering a rich program of three distinct multi-day workshops that examined plants in the city from different perspectives. The Spring School also featured a digital talk from LUMA Arles.

Watch a video recap of the Spring School's workshops, organized by Forecast as contribution to LINA Architecture Platform:

The Spring School was organized by Forecast as contribution to LINA Architecture Platform in cooperation with Living Summer School and LUMA Arles / Atelier LUMA